Best Kushikatsu Restaurants in Wenshan District
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13 restaurants available nearby
** 【Reservation Guidelines】** 1.Reservations can be made for dates within the next month.2.Reservations will be held for 10 minutes. If guests do not arrive or check in within this time, YakitoriOne reserves the right to cancel the reservation.3.For same-day reservations, please call the store during business hours to check for availability.4.Online reservations are available for 1-8 people. For groups larger than 8 or for private room bookings, please contact the store directly by phone during business hours.※ A deposit of NT$1,000 is required to reserve a private room.〔Account Number: 15110075560 / First Bank Code: 007〕‼️ Please complete the transfer within 24 hours and call the store to provide the last 5 digits of the account number. Reservations will only be confirmed after the transfer is verified. ‼️For phone reservations, please call YakitoriOne at (02)2737-0989.** 【Store Information】** ※ Address: No. 7, Lane 11, Leli Rd; Da’an District, Taipei City※ Transportation: About a 10-minute walk from Exit 2A of MRT Xinyi Anhe Station or MRT Liuzhangli Station※ Business Hours:Monday to Sunday: 5:00 PM – 11:00 PM** 【Dining Information】** ※ Minimum spend of NT$500 per person. A 10% service charge applies to dine-in. Corkage fee for bringing your own beverages is NT$500 per bottle.** 【More Information】** Facebook:
Booked 1 time today
1. 當日訂位請致電至餐廳,隔日後訂位請多加利用訂位網頁。2. 若您希望用餐日期訂位已滿,歡迎候補,可以喬位子時打給您。本店有保留部分座位,也歡迎來電洽詢。其他分店資訊與訂位:?柒息地 延吉店??台北市大安區延吉街99號?捷運國父紀念館站1號出口 步行約5分鐘?週一~週日18:00~01:30 ?[點我立即訂位]( "link") 長春店?台北市中山區長春路128-1號?松江南京站步行5分鐘?週一~週日 18:00~01:30 ?[點我立即訂位]( "link") 士林店?台北市士林區小北街3號?捷運士林站步行8分鐘?週一~週日18:00~01:30?[點我立即訂位]( "link") 三重店?新北市三重區自強路一段230號?捷運三重國小站約8分鐘?週一~週日18:00~01:30?[點我立即訂位]( "link") 永和店?新北市永和區中正路576號?捷運頂溪捷運站站約15分鐘?週一~週日17:00~12:00?[點我立即訂位]( "link")
在亂世之中依然要開幕的不要命居酒屋。『營業時間』週一至週日18:00~01:0023:30 最後收客點餐尖峰時段用餐時間為2小時,依訂位時間開始計算位置保留10分鐘,超過保留時間並且無法取得聯繫,視同主動放棄訂位不定期店休,依臉書IG上貼文公告為主,如有疑問請來電洽詢或粉絲專頁訊息詢問特定節日活動,詳情可上臉書IG參考『注意事項』⚠️本店低消500元/人(另含10%服務費)。⚠️開瓶費500元/瓶。⚠️寵物友善餐廳,但客滿時請自備寵物提籠推車或牽繩。⚠️本店無特約停車場,請至對面新生橋下停車場或附近停車場找尋。『訂位須知』In-Line線上訂位系統人數上限最多6人如有七人以上(含七人)請來電洽詢,我們會有專人為您服務。❗️❗️若有人數較多與包場之需求❗️❗️麻煩私訊臉書IG或致電02-21001285洽詢《包場須知》本店客席可容納30人包場用餐時間為三小時🔺平日包場價格訂金13000元 低消26000元🔺假日與國定假日包場訂金16000元 低消32000元(低消含酒水,不含服務費)🛑目前線上預約訂位不開放當日預約,如果有當日預約與其他需求,請撥打02-21001285與我們聯繫洽詢🛑🛑如通訊資料異動,務必來電通知,比免影響自身權益🛑🛑歡迎自備蛋糕,可協助冷藏或冷凍,我們可於餐後協助🛑⛔️以上本店規範攸關自身權益,以上同意確認無異議再訂位⛔️