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【營業時間】午餐 11:00~15:00(最後出餐時間為13:30)晚餐 17:00~22:00(最後出餐時間為20:00)*線上訂位恕不指定包廂,若有特殊需求或客製菜色、15人以上請來電洽詢。*本店有販售酒水,若有自備酒水之需求,將酌收NT$500+10%之清潔費用。*為 考量食品安全,請勿攜帶外食至餐廳內享用。*為優先保留包廂及準備您預訂的食材,本店將預先向您收取訂金。如逾期未付且無通知者,本店將有權取消您的訂位。官方網站: @47109987
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A Specialty Restaurant of 4 Famous Japanese Hotpots.Daily Hotpot Cuisine for Foodies with Delicious, Reliable, and Safe Ingredients. Kurogeya specializes in providing 4 Famous hotpots from Japan, which are Shabu-Shabu, Sukiyaki, Mizutaki, and Motsunabe. High-cost performance, customized combination, and quick service are 3 main features of Kurogeya.As a specialty restaurant providing daily delicacy for foodies, most cuisines are less than $1,000. Customers can easily enjoy Japanese Wagyu starting at $680 and Iberico Pork at $580.
The Most Joyful Yakiniku Restaurant in Taiwan!Get the Touch Feeling of Being Alive, Let’s Chow Down and Drink Up!Kanpai Yakiniku Restaurant proudly proclaim that we are "Gas Station" for every customer by insisting on providing long-term grain fed and high-quality Australian Wagyu through cold chain delivery and aging management, customers can enjoy the joy of eating while drinking!Kanpai Group was founded in an alley in Taipei's East District in 1999. With all the grinding and hustling, Kanpai Yakiniku Restaurant provides customers with creative and popular activities such as "8 o'clock Kanpai, Kissing Challenge, Wagyu Steak for free? What is your best guess?".After years of hard work and improvement, Kanpai Yakiniku Restaurant is devoted to providing energies to our customers through delicious and mouthful meat, irresistible drinks, and lively dining environment. This is a special yakiniku culture started in Taiwan.
## ? 樂情邀請你來用餐? 歡迎線上訂位。為維護大家的用餐品質及安全,樂雅樂餐廳打造安心的用餐環境:✅本店備有酒精供顧客使用✅本店三番、餐桌、餐具定時清潔✅用餐時間限1.5小時#### -#### 看更多資訊?? []( -
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-微醺精神-『微醺是理想,喝醉是現實』-微醺公約-1.訂位保留10分鐘2.超過十人訂位會酌收訂金,會有微醺夥伴跟您聯絡或是主動用IG及電話告知3.吐在馬桶以外對馬桶偏心清潔費每次$$20004.破杯/破盤子碎碎平安討吉利酌收$2005.開瓶費-紅白酒每瓶$500 烈酒每瓶$10006.平日低消400元 假日低消500-福利-當月壽星平日可享一杯調酒師體驗會員招集中,加入即送shot與各項好禮-營業時間-平日18:30-02:00假日18:00-02:00-每月活動-活動在關注IG有任何問題隨時私訊
Secret 絲昆忒 | 新莊最懂浪漫的私藏餐廳隱藏在新莊老宅二樓的 Secret 絲昆忒,是一處專屬於懂得品味生活的您,低調卻奢華的約會之地。柔和的燈光設計搭配精緻細膩的佈置,營造出一個能夠放下喧囂、專注於當下的微醺空間。在這裡,您可以與摯愛或好友悠閒交談,享受主廚特製的精緻料理,搭配我們悉心挑選的 "塔羅牌主題調酒",讓每一口都成為難忘的味覺體驗。空氣中瀰漫著舒心的香氛,與您的心境完美契合,讓這場夜晚更加迷人而愜意。【用餐注意事項】・酌收 10% 服務費。・最低消費:每人 $200 元。(僅限餐點)・6歲以下孩童無最低消費。・提供兒童椅及兒童餐具。・座位視訂位時間先後做安排,如有特殊需求請用電話訂位。・如超過8人訂位請致電02-29921976訂位。・室內桌位無併桌服務。・店內皆為開放式座位無包廂。・訂位皆保留10分鐘,逾時不候請多見諒。・本場所全面禁止吸煙。【付款】・可採現金、信用卡・第三方支付:Line Pay、街口支付、全支付・目前無信用卡優惠活動【交通】・餐廳無特約停車場,建議可停鄰近停車場(步行約5分鐘:新莊國民運動中心停車場)・大眾運輸可搭乘:公車:299、99、藍18、805、616 至「新莊棒球場站」下車 | 257、960 至「新莊體育館站」下車捷運:新莊站(約700公尺)步行約10分鐘
【Welcome】Aplus Dining Sake Bar is a relaxed and friendly bistro. We hope you enjoy our fusion-style Japanese food and sake selection. Experienced sommeliers is awlays ready to provide you sake pairing suggestions for your pleasant dining experience.【Average Price Per Customer】Lunch: Business Lunch Set $380~$480/setDinner: $800~$1000/person, drinks are not included(Prices are for reference only, subject to actual use)No minimum consumption, 10% service charge is required【Corkage Fee】There are more than 120 items of sake in Aplus, as well as a variety of red and white wines and spirits to choose from. $500 per bottle of corkage fee will be charged, if you bring your own beverages.【Reservation Notice】1. It is necessary to reserve a table 2 hours before arriving. Reservation within 30 days is available for online booking.2. The dining time is limited to 90 minutes. Our manager may extend your dining time depending on the on-site operating conditions.3. Thers is 10 minutes flexible time for possible lateness. If overtime, the seat will be canceled without prior notice. If you will arrive early or be late, please call us in advanc, thank you. (02) 27319266.4. If you are unable to attend your reservation, please cancel the reservation 2 hours before, to keep your right to make another reservation next time.5. If you need to change time or the number of customers, please call us in advance. (02) 27319266.6. Designated seats (ex. window seat..) are not accepted. If you have special needs, please inform in the other remarks field (ex. one vegetarian meal). Your needs will be arranged according to the on-site operating conditions.7. For reservations for more than 8 people, private dining, or if you need an independent dining area, please call (02) 27319266, we will more than happy to serve you.8. Reservations for this moment, or there are no available seats on the day you expect; we have a few seats reserved on site, please call the reservation hotline (02) 27319266, we will more than happy to serve you.
▶Facebook Fan Page▶Instagram Fan Page No. 23, Lane 219, Section 1, Fuxing South Road, Da'an District, Taipei City 106, TaiwanTo ensure a complete dining experience, we regret to inform you that we are unable to answer calls during meal hours.If you have any questions, feel free to call us between 14:30 and 18:00 from Tuesday to Sunday.Phone: (02)2781-8289Email: kitchen-daan@chachathe.comLunch: 12:00 - 14:30 | Last Seating: 12:45Dinner: 18:00 - 22:00 | Last Seating: 19:15Our fixed day off is every Monday. Special holidays or events will be announced separately on our Facebook fan page.- For exclusive reservations, please contact us via phone or customer service email at least two months in advance, and a dedicated representative will assist you.- Exclusive reservations require a minimum spending limit as follows: Lunch: Each guest is required to order one seasonal five-course lunch set menu + drinks, with a total amount of NTD$25,000 + 10% service charge. Dinner: Each guest is required to order one seasonal dinner set menu + drinks, with a total amount of NTD$45,000 + 10% service charge.- For brand collaboration exclusive reservations, please contact us via phone or customer service email.- For any changes or cancellations, please notify us at least 24 hours in advance of the reservation date via phone or the online reservation system.- Changes in the reservation date, party size, cancellations, or No Shows within 24 hours of the reservation date will incur the cost of the seasonal menu ingredients preparation fee, which will not be retained for future bookings. For example: If your reservation is on 08/02 at 12:00, please make changes by 12:00 on 08/01 at the latest. Changes made after 12:00 on 08/01 will incur an ingredient preparation fee of NTD 800 per person.- The restaurant reserves the right to make final decisions regarding reservation changes.The restaurant reserves the right to make final decisions regarding on-site operational matters.
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High Rise Yakiniku Kaiseki Restaurant with Wagyu Lavish Fine Dining Experience in All Senses with Highest Quality WagyuWagyu 47 has a scenic view overlooking Taipei 101. Thecuisine we serve is the perfect combination of yakiniku, wagyu sushi, and Kaiseki. Menus are named after four seasons, and the seasonal dishes defines “Fine Dining with Deluxe Wagyu”. Tableside service allows the customers to immerse themselves in beautiful scenery and deliciousness, creating unforgettable memories of “Enjoying the best wagyu with special ones on any special days”