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營業時間:.午餐:11:30AM – 02:30PM.晚餐:05:30PM – 09:30PM※最後點餐時間:01:30PM、08:45PM※訂位皆保留十分鐘,超時即不作訂位保留。單點菜色(需事先預訂):.東方樓皮鴨.椰香佛跳牆.經典編織包(限量).過橋蚌片湯、象拔蚌.脆皮炸子雞.魚子醬化皮乳豬.化皮烤乳豬(三天前預訂).錦繡八寶冬瓜盅(季節限定).大沙公、沙母蟹.鮑魚、刺參、花膠、魚翅※若賓客對某些食材過敏或有特殊飲食習慣,敬請事先於訂位時備註通知服務人員。東方樓-2024年信用卡合作與規範.漢來美食聯名卡、國泰世華、星展銀行、台新銀行.平假日用餐皆享優惠,詳細規範請見上銀行公告注意事項:※指定桌號及包廂訂位,恕無法提供線上訂位,請洽餐廳服務人員。※信用卡綁定及酌收取費用需知:您的訂位為包廂、特殊節日或人數高於2人(含),餐廳需付訂金以完成訂位流程。當您未依約定於用餐日抵達餐廳用餐,或是在用餐日前五天內(含)取消訂位,本餐廳將收取取消全額訂金。前述取消費用恕無法退還或挪至下一次用餐使用,訂位前請詳閱規定以保障個人訂位權益,如需變更訂位日期,敬請務必於用餐日的五天前聯絡訂位變更,感謝您的配合。※餐飲消費可抵扣每部車最多折抵三小時。※自備酒飲酌收酒水服務費,葡萄酒每瓶500元、烈酒與其他酒類每瓶1000元,每場餐宴上限酌收5000元。※用餐優惠使用規範:同組訂位賓客限使用一種優惠方式結帳,優惠方式包含餐券、信用卡、各類折價卷。※特殊節慶假日以及包廂恕不適用合作信用卡優惠。【貼心提醒】※用餐請著合宜服裝,男士請穿著有袖上衣與長褲,女士請穿著優雅服裝,避免穿著拖鞋或涼鞋。(餐廳保有拒絕不符合服裝要求之賓客入內用餐之權利)※用餐期間,請降低談話音量,並請家長照顧和提醒孩童不喧嘩及奔跑,以防影響其他賓客用餐。如欲知詳情,請查詢官網公告或來電洽詢,餐廳專線02 2788 1618。
Booked 1 time today
傳承風味⭐️復古再現?經典爆炒石頭火鍋?相揪呷火鍋,歡迎15日內預約!??online 訂:0:00開放新一日線上預約名額??來電訂:營業時間內來電預約?留下訂位資訊,您將收到一則訂位簡訊,點入連結,按下「保留」,即為完成訂位喔!?訂位保留10分鐘,逾時將自動取消,若逾時抵達將依現場狀況重新安排座位?呷鍋撇步☑️選鍋:人氣爆炒系列v.s經典涮涮鍋☑️選附餐:高cp值附餐一鍋一份☑️白飯、時蔬、飲料呷免驚,無限供應⚠️怕您撐破肚皮,用餐限時90分鐘!⚠️美味即時享用,恕無法打包!⚠️獨享美食超過癮,恕無法共鍋!
Our brand Fogant is inspired by word “ Focus” and “Elegant”, it represents the consistency of delivering the best quality and emphasizing the spirit of meticulous as a core. *Operating Hours (closed on Mondays and Tuesdays):◎Lunch: 12:00-14:30 (Last order at 13:00)◎Dinner: 18:00-22:00 (Last order at 20:00)*Reservation/Dining Information:◎Reservations will be held for 10 minutes.◎Kindly be on time for your reservation. All meals will be prepared once all guests arrived.◎There is a limited charge for a tasting set per person.◎Currently, online reservations are only available for table up to 6 people within the next two months. For table of 6 more or private events, please contact us via phone or email.?Contact Number: 02-8791-0288 (Please call between 14:30-17:00 on operating days for optimal service)?Email:*Menu:Table water person per: NT$150Weekday lunch set menu: Price starting from NT$1380Weekday dinner and all-day weekend set menu: Price starting from NT$2880*Vegetarian Option:Weekday lunch set menu: NT$1380Weekday dinner and all-day weekend set menu: NT$2200(Reservation must be made at least three days in advance for lacto-ovo vegetarians)*Children: Kid’s menu for NT$750 is available for children under 6 years old.Please inform us while making reservation. Children aged 7 and above will be provided with regular tasting menu.?Service charge of 10% applies to the above prices.*Food substitutions are available only for religious or allergy-related dietary restrictions.?If you have any allergies or food restrictions, please inform us at least three days before your dining date. Changes to the menu will not be accepted on-site (such as raw seafood, shellfish, beef, lamb, etc.).?When making an online reservation, please indicate if there’s any special requests in the remarks section or inform us by phone. Changes made on-site without prior notification will not be accepted.?To maintain food safety and quality, we do not provide takeout or food packing services. *Wine Pairing:2 glasses: NT$6803 glasses: NT$10004 glasses: NT$1250?10% service charge applies to the above prices.?Corkage fee: NT$1000 for wine (750ml), NT$1500 for spirits (charged per bottle)*Restaurant Rules:◎No outside food/beverages allowed. No pets allowed, except for assistance dogs and guide dogs.◎Dining notes:-We do not provide cakes for birthday celebrations. Only candles and a dessert platter service are available.-If you bring your own cake, it must be delivered on the same day of dining. We do not accept cakes delivered one day in advance (due to food safety considerations).◎Dress code:-Male are not allowed to wear slippers, sandals, or tank tops.-Female are not allowed to wear slippers.❗️Cleaning fee of NT$1000 will be charged for any damage caused to the restaurant during meal time.❗️It must be compensated at the original price if wine glass is broken.❗️If restaurant rules are violated, the restaurant will reserve the right to adjust your reservation. *Transportation: There is no parking lot available at the restaurant. Please refer to nearbyCar park information.Fogant team is looking forward to serve you and sincerely welcomes you to enjoy a wonderful dining experience with us!
【仁壽司 - 訂位需知】用 餐時段:午餐:週二到週日午餐12:00 - 13:00(用餐時間1小時)午餐價格: $580 元晚餐:週二到週日晚餐(時段一)17:30 - 19:30晚餐(時段二)19:30 - 21:30晚餐價格: $1150元/$1420元 兩種午、晚餐皆為無菜單料理(Omakase)*同組所有客人須選擇同價位套餐*訂位保留10分鐘,遲到視同取消*本店餐點大多以生食為主*只收現金,不收服務費*開瓶費每瓶500元*每週一公休*因為座位有限,訂位3人以下時,如果輸入人數無法成功,表示該時段您想預約人數大於可預約人數,請選擇其它時段。*超過 3人訂位,請使用line洽詢預約。*為了維持好的用餐環境品質,區分時段。午餐用餐時間為1小時,晚餐用餐時間為2小時。請依預約時間到達,可以有充裕時間、好的用餐品質,而且不影響下一時段的客人用餐。訂位成功後,您會收到“簡訊”通知。訂位前一天會再次收到line,line內附連結,請點選連結,確認訂位或取消訂位。請注意,前一天18:00前,沒有點選連結回覆,訂位將會自動取消。由於座位及食材已提前為您保留及安排,如有任何異動,請提早通知。包場須於用餐日前7天取消本餐廳空間較不方便嬰兒推車,無提供兒童餐及兒童椅。如有訂位以外需求,請到仁壽司Line官網(Line ID: @293ahomh) 傳訊與我們聯繫。
𝑭𝒊𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 = 𝑭𝒊𝒓𝒆 + 𝑬𝒍𝒆𝒈𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆一場熱情與優雅交織的感官饗宴෴෴෴෴෴෴෴෴෴෴෴෴෴⏰ 營業時間|Mon. - Sat. 𝟏𝟏:𝟎𝟎 - 𝟏𝟓:𝟎𝟎 ✦ 新菜單 將於 𝟎𝟐 / 𝟏𝟕 更換,請詳見下方_______________✨ 晚餐時段或包場需求開放預訂 ✨✦ 𝟏~𝟔人,每桌低消 $ 𝟕𝟐𝟎𝟎✦ 𝟕人以上,每人低消 $ 𝟏𝟐𝟎𝟎☎️ 歡迎提前一週來電 𝟎𝟐 - 𝟐𝟕𝟗𝟒𝟔𝟐𝟖𝟔 預約品嚐෴෴෴෴෴෴෴෴෴෴෴෴෴🍴 預訂菜色| ・掉進火堆的熟成鴨【限量供應,請於訂位時備註預訂需求,後續餐廳將與您聯繫確認供應狀況】以上天數不包含訂位當日美味需要時間準備與熟成,建議及早預訂෴෴෴෴෴෴෴෴෴෴෴෴෴🍷 酒水費用|✦ 餐廳免費提供飲用水✦ 自備酒類將酌收開瓶費,以瓶計算,不包含於低消✦ 香檳、氣泡酒、葡萄酒、日本酒等釀造酒 NT$ 500 / 瓶(750ml)✦ 烈酒、其他蒸餾酒 NT$ 1,000元 / 瓶(700ml)✦ 超過750ml / Magnum 特大容量葡萄酒、清酒等釀造酒,以 NT$ 1,000元 / 瓶起跳,烈酒則為 NT$ 2,000起跳෴෴෴෴෴෴෴෴෴෴෴෴෴🧑🍳 請仔細閱讀以下訂位須知,同意後再行訂位|✦ 為提供完善的服務品質,訂位僅保留 10 分鐘,請準時到場✦ 餐廳僅接受成人及 7 歲以上孩童✦ 每位貴賓低消為 $400/午餐時段✦ 考量公共用餐環境的品質與食品衛生安全,恕無法接待寵物入內(導盲犬除外)如有造成不便,敬請見諒✦ 禁帶外食與飲料✦ 自備慶生蛋糕,酌收清潔服務費 NT$500✦ 最後點餐時間為 14:00✦ 如有包場需求,歡迎聯繫官方IG、FB或是來電洽詢෴෴෴෴෴෴෴෴෴෴෴෴෴⏰ 系統開放 30 天内的訂位*Firance 保留取消或更改預約之權力,並保有解釋上述內容最終權利
預約注意事項(訂席前請詳閱)■本餐廳訂位將保留15分鐘,我們採同一時段出餐方式,為維護其他顧客用餐權益,請準時到達,遲到可能會影響您用餐的節奏,餐點將重新安排出餐順序。座位依現場狀況安排調整,敬請見諒。■菜單依每日食材有些許調整,需準備新鮮食材,請至少提前二天訂位 (不包含訂位當日)。■ 為維護其他顧客用餐體驗,恕不招待12歲以下孩童,敬請見諒。■ 餐點以當季食材套餐供應,若有飲食禁忌請於訂位時備註或餐廳去電確認訂席時一併告知,套餐內容的海鮮品項居多,若有較多過敏原或不食用海鮮者,請斟酌訂位,餐廳亦無提供素食餐點。
營業日營業時間11:30~14:30 (訂位時間即為開餐時間) / 最晚入席時間為13:0017:30~21:00 (訂位時間即為開餐時間) / 最晚入席時間為19:00可預約時間為:中午: 11:30~12:30、13:00~14:30晚間: 17:30~19:00、19:00~21:00【訂位須知】◆ 本餐廳採預約制 預約收取訂金每人:1000元 請於期限內完成信用卡綁定預付程序或匯款預付並收到確認簡訊方屬訂位成功。◆ 線上預約:需提早二天預訂,本餐廳食材皆依訂位人數準備,若取消訂位或更改人數,請於用餐日的前3天完成取消或異動動作。◆ 如線上訂位名額已額滿,可於營業時間內撥打訂位電話洽詢。若未即時取消我們將酌收食材耗損費用:用餐日前2天取消:收取50%訂金用餐日當天取消: 收取全額訂金◆低消為每人一套餐點,均另收10%服務費,訂位時請備註套餐名稱與飲食禁忌,食材新鮮須提前準備,恕無題供現場點餐及不接受現場更換餐點。◆貴賓人數達10位以上或有包場需求,歡迎致電與我們聯繫。◆基於維持餐點品質,恕不接受攜帶外食與寵物入內。因不可抗拒之因素或意外,餐廳將保留取消本店有販售 酒精 / 無酒精 飲品如有自備酒水者,酒水服務費-每瓶(750ml) NT$1000元「味屋私廚」餐點主打以關西風懷石料理結合鐵板燒與日式鍋物,重視食材原味,並以精緻的料理手法,搭配純日式特製醬料,讓口感層次更加豐富。另外,菜色也會以當令季節性食材作更換,可品嚐到台灣四季的美味。鐵板燒:以精緻海陸套餐為主,有美國牛小排海陸、日本和牛海陸可供選擇,價格從午餐套餐1980元起,海鮮部分採新鮮活體海鮮,包括:澳洲龍蝦、波士頓龍蝦、等,肉品則嚴選高等級的日本和牛等,頂級海陸食材搭配鐵板師傅的精緻料理,再加上最適合的酒品,包括日本紅白酒、清酒、北海道精釀啤酒等,不論在視覺、味覺、嗅覺上皆有華麗盛宴的享受。平日中午鐵板午膳 :每位 $ 1980元 + 10%服務費。平日晚餐、假日午、晚餐櫻套餐每位 $ 2380元 + 10%服務費。楓套餐每位 $ 2980元 + 10%服務費。柳套餐每位 $ 3980元 + 10%服務費。板前鰭一番無菜單料理 (全天供應):板前鰭一番無菜單料理,依據當季的海鮮食材提供不同的菜色,遵循節令旬味讓饕客們每次都能品嚐到不同的海鮮及食物最優質的美味。並設座於板前享用美食之際也能觀看板前師傅處理食材技法暨解說。板前鰭一番無菜單料理 (全天供應):均一價: $ 1480元 / 客 + 10%服務費
【訂位須知】◆ 無菜單料理及節日套餐 預約收取訂金每人:700元 請於二日內完成匯款預付匯款資訊如下總行代號:007帳號:192-10-053601匯款完成請致電02-8751-3306,我們將盡速為您對帳◆ 無菜單及節日套餐線上預約:需提早二天預訂本餐廳食材皆依訂位人數準備,若取消訂位或更改人數請於用餐日的前2天完成取消或異動動作。若未即時取消我們將酌收食材耗損費用:用餐日前1天取消:收取50%訂金用餐日當天取消: 收取全額訂金◆ 如線上訂位名額已額滿,可於營業時間內撥打訂位電話洽詢。
€€€€Price: Very Expensive
• Steakhouse • Xinyi District
Booked 43 times today
When we say that we offer "The Best Steak...Anywhere," we mean it!Morton's has grown to over 74 restaurants, but the vision is the same today as it was when we opened our first restaurant in Chicago in 1978. Quality. Consistency. Genuine Hospitality.
Booked 8 times today
Reservation Terms:※No discounts can be used from Friday, 02/14. ※Business hours for dinner on Friday, 02/14 will be adjusted as follows:Dinner 1st Section: 5:00 PM ~ 7:30 PM Dinner 2nd Section: 8:00 PM ~ 10:30 PM (last order at 09:30 PM)※On 02/14, only the Valentine's DAY set menu will be available for dinner. The minimum spend per person is One special set menu order. A deposit of NT$500 per person is required.※For reservations on 02/14, the deposit must be paid by 11:59 PM on the day the reservation is made.※For dining dates from 02/14, cancellations made within 3 days of the reservation will result in forfeiture of the deposit. Cancellations made 4 days prior to the reservation will result in a full refund of the deposit.Ex: Cancel by 11:59 PM on 02/11 (Tuesday) for an 02/14 (Friday) reservation to receive a full refund of the deposit.# Reservation Notes**1. Online reservations are available for up to 6 people. For bookings exceeding 6 people or for private rooms, please call our reservation line at 02-2729-8555.****2. We do not accept seat assignments. Please inform us by phone if you have special needs (such as mobility issues, wheelchair access, etc.).****3. For celebrations and wedding anniversaries, please indicate your purpose during the reservation. We will provide a celebratory mini-cake and offer on-site photography and singing to celebrate.****4. After making a reservation, you will receive a Line or SMS notification. If you need to cancel your reservation, simply click the cancellation link in the message.****5. Reservations will be held for 15 minutes.****6. A corkage fee will be charged for bringing your own beverages: NT$1,500 per bottle (750ml or less) for wine and NT$2,000 per bottle (750ml or less) for spirits.****7. Dining with us allows you to offset parking fees at Breeze Center Parking Lot: NT$1,000 consumption equals 1 hour parking deduction, up to 5 hours per day.****8. For self-pickup orders, please contact the following:** - [Online Ordering](
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