Crossing the door of EVO Bardolino does not simply mean entering a restaurant but it means living an experience of taste, tradition and creativity, knowing a gourmet "world" immersed in a refined and at the same time welcoming environment, pampered with discretion by the grace of the Maitre in the dining room and guided by the solar verve of the young chef Simone Gottardello who boasts significant experience with the chef Giancarlo Perbellini.
Stepping inside EVO Bardolino means much more than walking into a restaurant: it means living a whole experience in taste, tradition and creativity; it means getting to know a gourmet world immersed in a stylish and welcoming ambience, while being discretely spoiled by the maître and guided by the sunny disposition of the young Chef Simone Gottardello, who has treasured his important experience with Chef Giancarlo Perbellini.
Not available on OpenTable
Unfortunately, this restaurant is not on the OpenTable booking network. To check availability, please contact them directly.
Parcheggio gratuito nel garage dell'hotelFree parking in the hotel's garage
Public transit
By trainRailway stations: Verona Porta Nuova 25 km/1.5 miles – Peschiera del Garda 12 km/7.5 miles – Desenzano del Garda 27 km/16.7 miles – Domegliara 20 km/12.5 miles
Gluten-free Options, Patio/Outdoor Dining
Antipasti | Starters | Vorspeisen
Crudo di mazzancolle dell' Adriatico, pepe Timut, radicchio variegato di Castelfranco e lampone€16.00
Pappardelle soffci di patate di montagna con ragù di faraona "Grisa della Lessinia" al timo limonato, radicchio tardivo di Trevisc e Monte Veronese d' allevo€15.00
Potato pappardelle guinea fowl thyme red chicory Monte veronese cheese [Kartoffeln Paopardelle Perlhuhn Thymian Radichio Monteveronesekaese]
Ravioli di Bagoss, cavolfiori e tartufo nero€17.00
Bagoss cheese ravioli cauliflower black truffle [Bagosskaeseravioli Blumenkaohl schwarzer Trueffel]
Risotto allo zafferano di Pozzolengo, ragù di pernice e cavolo nero€15.00
Saffron partridge and black cabbage risotto [Safran-Rebhuhn-Schwarzkohl-Risotto]
Crema di broccolo di Custoza, seppioline arrostite e gnocchi al nero di seppia€15.00
Cream of broccoli soup cuttle fish and black dumpling [Brokkolicreme Tintenfisch schwarze Kloesschen]
Rombo, braccolo fiolaro di Creazzo, aglio nero e zuppetta di garusoli in porchetta€24.00
Storione di Calvisano cotto nell' olio del Garda DOP, caviale Calvisius mandorle, rapa rossa e zenzero€25.00
Sturgeon cooked in oil almond red beet ginger caviar [In Oel geckocher Stoer Mandel Rote Beeten Inger Kaviar]
Filetto di manzo ai profumi di montagna, carote alla camomilla, e frutto della passione (per 2 persone)€25.00
Fillet of beef cooked in hay chamomile carrot passion fruit [Rindsfilet in Heu gebraten mit Kamillenmoehren Passionsfrucht]
Maialino da latte, chutney di mela cotogna e zenzero, raperonzoli, mosto d'uva€21.00
Suckling pig quince and ginger chutney raperonzoli [Spanferkel Quitte-Ingwer-Chutney Raperonzoli]
Alla grilia in manto di erbe aromatiche. Grilled with herbs. [Gegrillt mit Kräutern]
Costata di scottona Garronese Veneta servita con salsa bernese, sale Maldon e olio alle erbe aromatiche€6.30
Grilled T bon steak bearnaise sauce herbs oil maldon salt [T bon Steak vom Grill Bernaisesauce Kraeuteroel Maldonsalz]
Selezione di formaggi di CORRADO BENEDETTI con gelatine e composte€14.00
Veja blu di vacca affinato al passito bianco, Gran Benedetti riserva 24 mesi, Monte Veronese 24 mesi, Cimbro affinato alla salvia e rosmarino, REDIVINO formaggio affinato in Amarone. Selection of Cheese by Corrado Benedetti with jelly. [Auswahl von Käse mit Gelee und Kompott]
Side dishes [Beilagen]
Mont blanc€9.00
Chestnut Mont Blanc [Marroni Mont Blanc]
"Cocco Sorpresa" e frutti esotici€9.00
Coconut surprise with exotic fruit [Kokosnuss Ueberraschung mit Exatischen Fuechte]
La foresta nera, secondo Giovanni€9.00
Black forest [Schwarzwald]
Tiramisù Evo€8.00
Tiramisù Evo [Tiramisù Evo]
Selezione di Sorbetti alla Frutta€7.00
Selection of fruit sorbets [Auswahl von Früchtesorbets]
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Yes, you can generally book this restaurant by choosing the date, time and party size on OpenTable.
Not available on OpenTable
Unfortunately, this restaurant is not on the OpenTable booking network. To check availability, please contact them directly.
Parcheggio gratuito nel garage dell'hotelFree parking in the hotel's garage
Public transit
By trainRailway stations: Verona Porta Nuova 25 km/1.5 miles – Peschiera del Garda 12 km/7.5 miles – Desenzano del Garda 27 km/16.7 miles – Domegliara 20 km/12.5 miles